
LanLuma is one of the most advanced cosmetic body procedures available today. It is capable of increasing tissue volume and restoring skin vitality. The product is placed in the areas where more volume is required and, without leaving an implant in place, over a period of months, your body produces collagen which changes the global shape.
Due to these collagen producing powers, LanLuma can also be used to smooth orange peel skin of cellulite, crepey arm skin, firm the thin skin on the neck and the decolletage.
How Does LanLuma work?
It is an injectable poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) dermal filler that promotes the replacement of collagen and treats sagging skin. Once injected into the body, LanLuma treatment goes deep into the skin to stimulate the growth of new collagen to provide long-lasting results. This makes it unique among other dermal fillers, as LanLuma doesn’t simply focusing on ‘filling up’ areas with hyaluronic acid. It works to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines gradually as natural collagen is produced over time. There are two types of LanLuma products, which are LanLuma V and X. The first option can be used for the hands and face, while the second option is recommended for larger parts of the body like the buttocks.
What is the Lanluma Procedure like?
It is a minimally invasive non-surgical procedure. Anaesthetic is used to make sure you are comfortable and the procedure takes approximately 20-30 minutes. You will be required to wear a compression garment for a week after and regularly massage the area treated (5 minutes, 5 times a day for 5 days).
Is there a risk of embolism with LanLuma BBL?
Unlike fat transfer surgery and using Hyaluronic Acid fillers (both are thick and viscous which can occlude blood vessels), Lanluma is a powder that is mixed with water. This is why the result “disappears” the next day - the body absorbs the water and leave in place the chemical messengers that will cause collagen production.
How much does Lanluma cost?
It will depend on the area of the body treated and how many sessions are required.